2021 IRC Comprehensive Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Townhouses
This code encompasses all building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas, and electrical requirements for one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories. The 2021 International Residential Code (IRC) includes several significant updates:
- Braced Wall Lines: Must be placed on a physical wall or between multiple walls.
- Two-Family Dwellings Separation: Rated separation is 1 hour, regardless of the presence of a lot line between units.
- Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings: Require a clear 36-inch-wide path to a public way.
- Storm Shelters: Require an engineered design.
- Habitable Attic: Limited to one-half the area of the story below, with dwelling sprinklers required.
- Updated Wind Speed Maps: Now match International Building Code (IBC) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7 maps.
- Deck Design: Now considers snow load, tributary area for footing, post height, and specific requirements for guardrails.
- Component and Cladding Wind Pressures: Updated in Table R301.2(2) for new design wind speeds and roof profiles.
- Minimum Footing Size Tables: Revised to more accurately reflect current practice.
- Cripple Wall Requirements: Apply only to exterior cripple walls.
- New Appendices: Added for cob construction and 3D printed construction.
- Ventilation Systems: A 30 percent reduction of airflow is permitted for balanced systems.
- Commercial Gas Cooking Appliances: Prohibited in residential settings.
- DWV System Testing: Head pressure for a water test increased to 10 feet; air vacuum testing now permitted for plastic piping.
- Dwelling Sprinklers: Section P2904 expanded to align more closely with NFPA 13D.
- Emergency Service Disconnect: Required in a readily accessible outdoor location.
- Surge-Protective Device (SPD): Now required at the service panel.
- Receptacle Outlets for Kitchen Countertops: Number required is determined by the area of the countertop surface.
These updates ensure that the construction and safety standards for residential buildings are up-to-date and comprehensive, promoting the well-being and security of occupants.
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